Sunday, April 12, 2009

Risk Control program

As a result of this, an O-Man several, must work extraordinary hours to fulfill the production or the programmed advance of the department or area where the injured person toiled, who this must have realised.Also it is the cost of training a new worker who is going to take the place from the injured one until he can return to his work, if he returns someday. But even so this new worker is not going to have the same productivity that the worker injured by fear or lack of experience. In the same way the injured worker when he returns to also work will need a time preparation.

Surely the accidents cost money to the company. But also money to the workers costs. The accidents also contribute to inefficiency and the losses. A department or area cannot be had where it works with much effectiveness and where the production is very high if accidents happen frequently that interrupt the regular work, injuring trained workers who carry out a task difficult to be carried out by a substitute.With the control program of risks one obtains that we lend a little more attention to the atmosphere of work and the dangers surround that it. With this one obtains to more production and more security in the work.A company where there is a control program of risks of first class is a good place to work.

A worker could be certainly the control of the risks is important for the company, if the machines well are protected, with the mantenciĆ³n to the day, is good light, an efficient design and an order and cleaning better.

If they are realised to char them, safety analysis of the work, the administrator or manager visits the different work areas doing safety inspection and personal communications. The person who is going to work to that place will want to contribute that the company continues being a safe place where to work. The posters, char them, the pamphlets, the miniguides and all the material that is used in the programs of prevention of risks, will have some sense for that person.
Finally a good control program of risks helps to that the company more is respected in the middle of the community.The family of each one of the workers will be able to feel safe that not only they, but also the company, are trying to prevent accidents controlling the risks, to protect her future.

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