Sunday, April 12, 2009


We have already spoken of the risks but not like controlling it, that we must do, who does and since it does.

The customized program is a or programming of periodic activities that each member of the company must in order to show to its involvement or commitment with the control of the operational risk, finally to make the business more profitable and of knowing in detail fundamental aspects that without this program it could not be known. Besides this way the administration superior has absolute certainty than it happens essentially in certain areas of the same and that areas need their special attention.

These activities have direct relation with the position that the worker holds, thus for example a general manager has activities different from the Managers of area, the administrators, Heads of area, supervisors, overseers, workers, etc. Each company must fit to its own customized program according to its organic structure and object of the business, without forgetting that the final mission is the same.


All customized program must have the following activities like minimum, those that necessarily must be registered in the respective forms:

Monthly Meeting of analysis: This meeting tries to analyze month to month the management and advance of the customized program to correct, analysis of accidents and/or losses, to control the fulfillment of corrective measures, needs of qualification, to reorient, to congratulate, to draw attention, etc. Necessarily this meeting must be registered in the corresponding form. It is recommended once a month to realise it before day 5 of the month following to the analysis. The person in charge of the meeting is the general manager or replaces who it.

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