Sunday, April 12, 2009

Observations of security

Safety inspection: It is an operative activity that is realised of systematic and permanent way, realised by the supervision or the Management, with the intention of detecting, to analyze and to control the risks incorporated to the equipment, the material and to the atmosphere that can affect the operation of the productive processes, jeopardizing the results. The Inspection intends fundamental to verify or to inspect substandard conditions of the equipment, machineries, tools, environment, etc., that can produce losses. It is an operational activity that is realised in systematic form to verify that the tasks are being developed according to the effective procedures, which guarantees that there will be no losses by physical damage to the resources, minor production, low quality, waste, delay or delays. It is the best form to know how the people execute their tasks must personally be realised and selective by the supervisor. The Observation intends fundamental to verify or to observe in land the conduct and attitude of the workers towards the security.

Personal communications or group: They are small meetings that the administration superior and the supervision to position realise with the workers in a determined area of work, to deal with a specific subject related to the operation and the security the same. The fundamental object is to congratulate, to correct or to confirm work procedures, to motivate, to present the policy security, environment or quality, etc.

Char them daily of five minutes: Every day before the beginning of the work each supervisor or head of area will meet with his personnel to quickly analyze the tasks of the day, their risks and their forms of control, the elements of security that were used and any important aspect of the day. This char it is by department or work area.

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