Sunday, April 12, 2009

Classification of the insurances

The insurer generally is an insurance agency organized under the form of joint-stock company; but also they exist cooperative and mutual benefit societies of insurances and an official organism the Insurance and savings bank even conducts operations of this type. Also, in some provinces official insuring organizations work.

The insurance contract is consensual, bilateral and random. It is consensual because it is perfected by the mere consent of the parts and produces his effects since the convention has been realised; it is bilateral since it originates rights and reciprocal obligations between insuring and insured, and is random because an event or an uncertain fact, because talks about to the indemnification of a loss or a damage produced by it does not know if it is going away to produce and in the opposite case as it happens with the death not knows when it has to occur.

Of diverse ways the insurances can be classified. First of all, according to they are in charge of the State, in his function of trusteeship or of the deprived insuring activity, they are divided in deprived social and safe insurances.

* Social insurances: The social insurances intend to protect to the working-class against certain risks, like the death, the accidents, the dissability, the diseases, leisure or the maternity. Their cousins are obligatory are in charge of the insured and employers, and in some cases the State also contributes with its contribution for the financing of the indemnifications. Another one of its characteristics is the lack of a policy, with the rights and obligations of the parts, since these insurances are established by laws and regulated by decrees, where need those rights and obligations.

The insured institutes the beneficiary of the insurance, and if he lacked that designation will be beneficiary his legal heirs, as if outside a marital estate, in the order and the proportion that the Civil Code establishes. Therefore, produced the death of the insured the National Box of Saving and Insurance pays the amount of the insurance to the beneficiaries instituted by that one or to its heirs.

The system of forecast of the government social security funds is not technically an insurance, although by his purposes it is analogous. It allows to enjoy a rent the pensioners and insures the risks with the neglect in which it can be the spouse and the smaller children of a person with right to retirement, ordinary or extraordinary, to the date of his death.

* Private insurances: These insurances are those that the insured contract voluntarily to cover itself with certain risks, by means of the payment of a cousin who is to her exclusive position. Besides these characteristics we can indicate:

* The private insurances take shape with the emission of a policy the instrument of the insurance contract in which the rights and obligations of the insuring insured consist and.

* In our country the private insurances are operated, in their majority by deprived companies, mutual benefit societies and cooperatives. But also the State, through the National Box of Saving and insurance, makes insurances of different types. And in some provinces insuring officials exist.

In agreement with their object the private insurances can be classified in safe on the people and insurances on the things.

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