Sunday, April 12, 2009

Define the risk like

Joint GEM of elements or interrelated subsystems good and interacting of harmonic way, these gives rise to the operational and financial results that the company has glided to obtain. These subsystems are made up of people, equipment, materials and atmosphere. The company needs these four component elements or subsystems reason why always require special attention in each of them and when a risk is not controlled in each one of the stages of its generation, it can damage to one of them or all together ones, like for example happened in a fire or one it demands judicial.

In the four mentioned elements specific risks exist that are due to control in effective form so that these do not produce losses, these risks have relation with the specific activity of each company, since the risks of a transport company are different from a mining company, of services, metallurgical industry/, etc., although by all means risks common in all the activities exist. These specific risks of each activity are called inherent risks.


All activity entails a risk, since the activity free of it represents total immobility. But even so, if all we remained in house without doing nothing and all productive activity and of services would pause, still the risk would exist, does not fit doubt that smaller but would exist, risk zero does not exist.Then, we must define the risk like The probability that a danger (imminent cause of loss), existing in an activity determined during a defined period, causes an incident with feasible consequences of being considered. We can understand also it like, the potential of losses that exists associate to a productive operation, when they change in planned form the conditions defined as standards not to guarantee the operation of a process or the productive system as a whole.

The uncontrolled risk causes that the profit of the operational objectives is uncertain.

The risks generally, can be classified in pure risk and speculative risk.

The risks speculative are that one risk in which the possibility exists of winning or of losing, like for example the bets or the games of chance. However the pure risk is the one that occurs in the company and exists the possibility of losing or of not losing but never to win. The pure risk in the company is classified as well in: The inherent risk Is that one risk that by its nature cannot be separated of the situation where it exists. He is own of the work to realise. It is the own risk of each company according to his activity, for example the shown ones in the following table.

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