Sunday, April 12, 2009


For effects of this work necessarily we must understand by prevention of Risks, Industrial Security or mining security like the same matter, the important thing in this case, is not the difference among them but as a business can be made the more profitable, maintaining resources of the company available the greater possible time, without mattering if this is a productive company or of services. Generally we could say that in both types of companies the same components, departments, systems or subsystems are needed, so that this can give to a product or a final service of quality, object of the business. What can vary among them they are the risks and the form in as it is going away to make an effective control of them, but the final result is always the same, to avoid the accidents or losses that aggravate on-speed operation of the company.


Often a manager or the administration superior of a company wants or needs to implant an effective system of control of injuries and/or damages in the company, to avoid losses, waste and resources that are outside budget, which they affect the normal development of the activities of services or productive of the company and it generally does not know like, or to that type of advisers to resort. Generally, the information that arrives at a manager is different from the real information from the happened thing in an event nonwished that it causes lost or accident, to the interior of the company which harms the taking of an opportune and effective decision, for the effective control of the risks that produce or can produce injuries to the workers or damages to the materials, equipment, machinery and environment.

It is by that this work tries to show and to help to the different professionals related with the company, for an effective control of the risk and thus of avoiding losses, that can take to the bankruptcy of a company, like for example in a fire, multiple deaths, demands, etc.Therefore he is basic to understand some concepts important to develop the idea. The system company this made up of four subsystems that are people, equipment, material and atmosphere also is known by the abbreviations GEM.

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