Sunday, April 12, 2009

Course of Prevention of risks

Weekly integral Char it: Once to the week all the workers will receive to char it in which the same matter for all the personnel will treat. In this char it pursuit to the remedial actions, etc. can be dealed with subjects like the policies security, quality, environment, the news, laws or decrees, be analyzed a work procedure, be congratulated, be called to the cooperation, be realised. The person in charge of char it is the Adviser of Prevention of Risks and/or the Head of the area and must participate the totality of the workers of the company. Investigation of accidents: It is a tending preventive activity to determine causes of the accidents, to take action so that these are not repeated in the future. For the control of the risks that produced the loss in the company, it is fundamental that diffusion of the investigation of the accident exists, in all the company as a char it integral weekly. This intends fundamental that the analysis of the accident allows a control of the risks by the personnel who was not involved in the accident.


Periodically in charge of security of the company it will have to retire the forms of realised activities. Monthly the statistic will be due to realise comparing the programmed thing with indeed realised in the month. When the program has been realised during months also can be compared the effectiveness of the same between the different months.

In addition in this study it is possible to observe the actions or work areas that require major attention or as they present/display major security or risk degree. Also actions or conditions can be determined that can be awarded by advances in the control of the risks. Course of Prevention of risks of the Chilean Association of Security

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