Sunday, April 12, 2009

Classification of the insurances

The insurer generally is an insurance agency organized under the form of joint-stock company; but also they exist cooperative and mutual benefit societies of insurances and an official organism the Insurance and savings bank even conducts operations of this type. Also, in some provinces official insuring organizations work.

The insurance contract is consensual, bilateral and random. It is consensual because it is perfected by the mere consent of the parts and produces his effects since the convention has been realised; it is bilateral since it originates rights and reciprocal obligations between insuring and insured, and is random because an event or an uncertain fact, because talks about to the indemnification of a loss or a damage produced by it does not know if it is going away to produce and in the opposite case as it happens with the death not knows when it has to occur.

Of diverse ways the insurances can be classified. First of all, according to they are in charge of the State, in his function of trusteeship or of the deprived insuring activity, they are divided in deprived social and safe insurances.

* Social insurances: The social insurances intend to protect to the working-class against certain risks, like the death, the accidents, the dissability, the diseases, leisure or the maternity. Their cousins are obligatory are in charge of the insured and employers, and in some cases the State also contributes with its contribution for the financing of the indemnifications. Another one of its characteristics is the lack of a policy, with the rights and obligations of the parts, since these insurances are established by laws and regulated by decrees, where need those rights and obligations.

The insured institutes the beneficiary of the insurance, and if he lacked that designation will be beneficiary his legal heirs, as if outside a marital estate, in the order and the proportion that the Civil Code establishes. Therefore, produced the death of the insured the National Box of Saving and Insurance pays the amount of the insurance to the beneficiaries instituted by that one or to its heirs.

The system of forecast of the government social security funds is not technically an insurance, although by his purposes it is analogous. It allows to enjoy a rent the pensioners and insures the risks with the neglect in which it can be the spouse and the smaller children of a person with right to retirement, ordinary or extraordinary, to the date of his death.

* Private insurances: These insurances are those that the insured contract voluntarily to cover itself with certain risks, by means of the payment of a cousin who is to her exclusive position. Besides these characteristics we can indicate:

* The private insurances take shape with the emission of a policy the instrument of the insurance contract in which the rights and obligations of the insuring insured consist and.

* In our country the private insurances are operated, in their majority by deprived companies, mutual benefit societies and cooperatives. But also the State, through the National Box of Saving and insurance, makes insurances of different types. And in some provinces insuring officials exist.

In agreement with their object the private insurances can be classified in safe on the people and insurances on the things.


For effects of this work necessarily we must understand by prevention of Risks, Industrial Security or mining security like the same matter, the important thing in this case, is not the difference among them but as a business can be made the more profitable, maintaining resources of the company available the greater possible time, without mattering if this is a productive company or of services. Generally we could say that in both types of companies the same components, departments, systems or subsystems are needed, so that this can give to a product or a final service of quality, object of the business. What can vary among them they are the risks and the form in as it is going away to make an effective control of them, but the final result is always the same, to avoid the accidents or losses that aggravate on-speed operation of the company.


Often a manager or the administration superior of a company wants or needs to implant an effective system of control of injuries and/or damages in the company, to avoid losses, waste and resources that are outside budget, which they affect the normal development of the activities of services or productive of the company and it generally does not know like, or to that type of advisers to resort. Generally, the information that arrives at a manager is different from the real information from the happened thing in an event nonwished that it causes lost or accident, to the interior of the company which harms the taking of an opportune and effective decision, for the effective control of the risks that produce or can produce injuries to the workers or damages to the materials, equipment, machinery and environment.

It is by that this work tries to show and to help to the different professionals related with the company, for an effective control of the risk and thus of avoiding losses, that can take to the bankruptcy of a company, like for example in a fire, multiple deaths, demands, etc.Therefore he is basic to understand some concepts important to develop the idea. The system company this made up of four subsystems that are people, equipment, material and atmosphere also is known by the abbreviations GEM.

Define the risk like

Joint GEM of elements or interrelated subsystems good and interacting of harmonic way, these gives rise to the operational and financial results that the company has glided to obtain. These subsystems are made up of people, equipment, materials and atmosphere. The company needs these four component elements or subsystems reason why always require special attention in each of them and when a risk is not controlled in each one of the stages of its generation, it can damage to one of them or all together ones, like for example happened in a fire or one it demands judicial.

In the four mentioned elements specific risks exist that are due to control in effective form so that these do not produce losses, these risks have relation with the specific activity of each company, since the risks of a transport company are different from a mining company, of services, metallurgical industry/, etc., although by all means risks common in all the activities exist. These specific risks of each activity are called inherent risks.


All activity entails a risk, since the activity free of it represents total immobility. But even so, if all we remained in house without doing nothing and all productive activity and of services would pause, still the risk would exist, does not fit doubt that smaller but would exist, risk zero does not exist.Then, we must define the risk like The probability that a danger (imminent cause of loss), existing in an activity determined during a defined period, causes an incident with feasible consequences of being considered. We can understand also it like, the potential of losses that exists associate to a productive operation, when they change in planned form the conditions defined as standards not to guarantee the operation of a process or the productive system as a whole.

The uncontrolled risk causes that the profit of the operational objectives is uncertain.

The risks generally, can be classified in pure risk and speculative risk.

The risks speculative are that one risk in which the possibility exists of winning or of losing, like for example the bets or the games of chance. However the pure risk is the one that occurs in the company and exists the possibility of losing or of not losing but never to win. The pure risk in the company is classified as well in: The inherent risk Is that one risk that by its nature cannot be separated of the situation where it exists. He is own of the work to realise. It is the own risk of each company according to his activity, for example the shown ones in the following table.

In summary

Accident is a loss or is an event nonwished, that it produces losses.

The risk with potential major of losses is that one that is not known.


Probably many people have asked themselves

Because to as much speak about the control of the risk or the prevention of risks?

Because they are due to realise to char them operational daily of five minutes?

Because they are due to realise to char them integral weekly?

Because there are signboards and posters of security by all the company?

Because it is insisted as much on that the norms of prevention of risks or security are for fulfilling them?

Because, before a worker enters the company or the work must attend char it of induction? Doubt that does not fit there are many reasons behind the effective control program of the risks operations. Once we have spoken about them during minutes, I believe that all we will agree in which each of those reasons is very valuable.From any point that is watched the control of risks is a good business for the company, the workers, their families and the population generally.

The first use of the word

We are going to pause a minute to emphasize these points, control of risks is a good business for all. The accidents frequently cost much more than we thought. The damaged equipment is expensive to repair, sometimes they are not possible to be repaired and is necessary to replace them. When it happens an accident with injuries almost all the people who are in the proximity stop working and try to help the injured person, thus the company loses money since the normal work is not being realised.

The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century onwards though, the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, decribing a machine that carries out computations.

The history of the modern computer begins with two separate technologies—automated calculation and programmability—but no single device can be identified as the earliest computer, partly because of the inconsistent application of that term. Examples of early mechanical calculating devices include the abacus, the slide rule and arguably the astrolabe and the Antikythera mechanism (which dates from about 150–100 BC). Hero of Alexandria (c. 10–70 AD) built a mechanical theater which performed a play lasting 10 minutes and was operated by a complex system of ropes and drums that might be considered to be a means of deciding which parts of the mechanism performed which actions and when. This is the essence of programmable.

The "castle clock", an astronomical clock invented by Al-Jazari in 1206, is considered to be the earliest programmable analog computer. It displayed the zodiac, the solar and lunar orbits, a crescent moon-shaped pointer travelling across a gateway causing automatic doors to open every hour, and five robotic musicians who played music when struck by levers operated by a camshaft attached to a water wheel. The length of day and night could be re-programmed to compensate for the changing lengths of day and night throughout the year.

The computer

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.

The first devices resembling a modern computer were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945), although similar machines had been constructed earlier. The first electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PC). Modern computers based on tiny integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into a wristwatch, and can be powered by a watch battery. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age, what most people think of as a "computer", but the embedded computers found in devices ranging from fighter aircraft to industrial robots, digital cameras, and children's toys are the most numerous.

The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers extremely versatile, distinguishing them from calculators. The Church–Turing thesis is a mathematical statement of this versatility: any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore computers ranging from a personal digital assistant to a supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks, given enough time and storage capacity.

Risk Control program

As a result of this, an O-Man several, must work extraordinary hours to fulfill the production or the programmed advance of the department or area where the injured person toiled, who this must have realised.Also it is the cost of training a new worker who is going to take the place from the injured one until he can return to his work, if he returns someday. But even so this new worker is not going to have the same productivity that the worker injured by fear or lack of experience. In the same way the injured worker when he returns to also work will need a time preparation.

Surely the accidents cost money to the company. But also money to the workers costs. The accidents also contribute to inefficiency and the losses. A department or area cannot be had where it works with much effectiveness and where the production is very high if accidents happen frequently that interrupt the regular work, injuring trained workers who carry out a task difficult to be carried out by a substitute.With the control program of risks one obtains that we lend a little more attention to the atmosphere of work and the dangers surround that it. With this one obtains to more production and more security in the work.A company where there is a control program of risks of first class is a good place to work.

A worker could be certainly the control of the risks is important for the company, if the machines well are protected, with the mantenciĆ³n to the day, is good light, an efficient design and an order and cleaning better.

If they are realised to char them, safety analysis of the work, the administrator or manager visits the different work areas doing safety inspection and personal communications. The person who is going to work to that place will want to contribute that the company continues being a safe place where to work. The posters, char them, the pamphlets, the miniguides and all the material that is used in the programs of prevention of risks, will have some sense for that person.
Finally a good control program of risks helps to that the company more is respected in the middle of the community.The family of each one of the workers will be able to feel safe that not only they, but also the company, are trying to prevent accidents controlling the risks, to protect her future.